Page 299 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 299

By the end of this course, students will:
 E1. Issues and Challenges: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of strategies for helping school-age children and adolescents deal with issues and challenges;
E2. Neglect and Abuse: demonstrate an understanding of the responsibilities of people who work with school-age children and adolescents in dealing with issues related to abuse, neglect, and family violence;
E3. Social and Cultural Variations: demonstrate an understanding of how a variety of social and cultural factors affect school-age children and adolescents.
E1. Issues and Challenges
By the end of this course, students will:
E1.1 describe skills caregivers teach (e.g., self- advocacy skills, stress-management skills, self-defence skills, social skills for making and keeping friends) and strategies they use (e.g., providing appropriate physical/mental-health support) to help children and adolescents address particular issues
and challenges
E1.2 demonstrate an understanding of the posi­ tive and negative effects of media on children and adolescents (e.g., positive effects such as enhancing awareness of current events, facilitating social connection through social networking; negative effects such as legitimizing violence, pressuring viewers to purchase fad items, increasing opportuni­ ties for cyber-bullying)
E1.3 identify specific challenges faced by people who work with school-age children and ado­ lescents, and describe effective strategies for addressing them (e.g., strategies for engaging children with exceptionalities, supporting children living in poverty, responding sensitively and appropriately to diversity)
Teacher prompt: “If a childcare worker suspected that somebody in his after-school program had an eating disorder, what strategies might he use to support the child and her family?”
E2. Neglect and Abuse
By the end of this course, students will:
E2.1 demonstrate an understanding of factors that can lead to patterns of neglect or physical, sexual, or emotional abuse (e.g., a family history of violence, stress, alcoholism)
E2.2 identify indicators of neglect and physical, sexual, or emotional abuse in children (e.g., physical signs such as bruising and laceration; emotional signs such as withdrawal or unexplained fears)
E2.3 demonstrate an understanding that people who work with school-age children and ado­ lescents have a duty to report suspected cases of neglect or physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, and describe procedures for doing so
Teacher prompt: “What are the procedures for reporting suspected abuse?”
E2.4 describe strategies caregivers can use to anticipate and prevent neglect and physical, sexual, and emotional abuse (e.g., education, communication, policy development, advocacy)
Working With School-Age
Children and Adolescents
Research and Inquiry Skills
HHI FP1D04/ 2C 0

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