Page 282 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 282

  B1. Pregnancy, Birth, and Postnatal Care: describe factors that contribute to the healthy development of children before and during birth, and in the first few months after birth;
B2. Growth and Development: Stages and Influences: describe patterns in the healthy, social, emotional, cognitive, linguistic, and physical development of young children;
B3. Infant and Child Nutrition: demonstrate an understanding of the importance of nutrition for healthy development.
Grade 11, Open
 B1. Pregnancy, Birth, and Postnatal Care
 B2. Growth and Development: Stages and Influences
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 outline the stages in the biological process of conception, pregnancy, and birth
B1.2 identify appropriate prenatal and postnatal care and support programs and facilities that are available for parents in their community (e.g., prenatal classes, breastfeeding clinics, Native friendship centres, Ontario early years centres, Canadian Down Syndrome Society)
B1.3 identify various hereditary and genetic factors that influence fetal development
(e.g., sex-linked diseases, the Rh factor, chromosomal abnormalities, sex)
B1.4 identify and explain the importance of strategies for maintaining maternal and paternal health prior to and during pregnancy, birth, and the postnatal period (e.g., avoiding first-hand and
second-hand smoke, having a healthy diet and getting adequate exercise, updating vaccinations, limiting stress, visiting their health care provider regularly, watching for signs of postpartum depression)
Teacher prompts: “How can you distinguish between regular ‘baby blues’ and more serious postpartum depression or psychosis?” “How can a father’s age affect prenatal development?”
B1.5 describe the effects of teratogens and envi­ ronmental hazards on prenatal and long-term development (e.g., fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, low birth weight, brain damage, premature birth), and identify strategies for avoiding exposure to teratogens and environmental hazards
(e.g., avoiding cat feces; checking with a physician before taking any medications; avoiding recreational drugs and alcohol; avoiding exposure to toxic cleaning products, household and garden chemicals, paints and solvents, and insecticides on fruits and vegetables)
Teacher prompt: “What resources are available to inform people about toxic chemicals in everyday products?”
B1.6 describe ways in which partners and/or support persons can contribute to a healthy pregnancy (e.g., attending prenatal classes, helping to prepare healthy food for the pregnant woman)
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 identify major milestones in the social, emotional, cognitive, linguistic, and physical development of children from birth to six years of age
B2.2 describe strategies used by parents to enhance the social, emotional, cognitive, linguistic, and physical development of children from birth to six years of age
By the end of this course, students will:

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