Page 255 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 255

 E2.3 analyse the relationship between personality and social interactions (e.g., the differences that introverted and extraverted people might experience in their social interactions; the impact on one’s personality of nurturing, supportive, empathetic interactions and critical, controlling ones)
Teacher prompts: “How might being in an abusive relationship affect an individual’s personality?” “In what ways might being a high achiever affect an individual’s interactions with colleagues or friends?”
By the end of this course, students will:
E3.1 analysetherolethatfamilyplaysinsocializing its members (e.g., with reference to the development of language, communication skills, confidence, com­ petence, and self-esteem, and to the transmission of gender roles, culture, religion, and values such as respect for elders and for the environment)
E3.2 analyse the effects of socialization on the social-emotional functioning of individuals throughout the lifespan (e.g., with respect to individuals’ values, behaviour, and sense of social responsibility; their ability to adjust to change,
balance work and leisure, engage and communicate with other people and maintain relationships; their response to peer pressure, discrimination; the rela­ tionship between poor socialization and defiance, delinquency, and disengagement)
Teacher prompts: “What have been some of
the long-term effects of residential schools on the social-emotional functioning of First Nation children?” “What are some of the effects of isolation on the elderly?” “What trends have researchers found in the social-emotional functioning of adult men and women who grew up in homes where they witnessed
their father batter their mother?”
E3.3 assess the impact of marginalization
(e.g., marginalization related to factors such as age, poverty, disability, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, low literacy levels) on social- emotional development
Teacher prompts: “How does the marginaliza­ tion of people with disabilities leave them at higher risk for exploitation or victimization?” “Why do some societies disregard the skills, knowledge, and experiences of the elderly? What impact can this have on older people?” “What are the social-emotional benefits of a companion animal or animal-assisted therapy for elderly or disabled people?”
 E3. Factors Affecting Social-Emotional Development
Human Development throughout the Lifespan

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