Page 243 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 243

 C2.4 describe differences among roles in intimate relationships in various social, historical, and ethnocultural contexts (e.g., in traditional Islamic and Hindu societies; in First Nation or Inuit cultures; before and after the second wave women’s movement in Canada)
Teacher prompt: “What are the differences in the roles of the individuals involved in courtship practices in societies that practise free-choice marriage and those that practise arranged marriage?”
C2.5 explain how social institutions (e.g., religious, economic, political institutions) can affect intimate relationships
Teacher prompt: “How do state definitions of the term spouse affect the rights of and social supports available to couples?”
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 describe a range of factors that can influence decisions about having children (e.g., fertility; access to assisted reproductive technologies; access to birth control; religious beliefs regarding birth control and abortion; adoption policies and practices; the stability of an intimate relationship; considerations regarding the number and spacing of children; age and health; financial status; educational, career, and personal goals; cultural/religious background; the influence of friends or family; concerns about over-consumption of resources)
Teacher prompt: “What types of reproductive technologies are available for people wishing to have children? Do all people have equal access to these technologies?”
C3.2 identify and describe the caregivers and the ways in which caregiving responsibilities are carried out (e.g., the sex of the caregiver; whether the caregiving is paid work; the extent to which children, grandparents, or other relatives are involved) in diverse families (e.g., working-class and upper­ middle-class families, single-parent and extended families, grandparent-led families)
Teacher prompts: “How do the responsibilities of children and teens in single-parent families compare to those in two-parent families?” “What proportion of caregiving work in Canada is provided by paid live-in caregivers wishing
to immigrate to Canada?”
C3.3 describe government policy and legislation that is intended to support and protect families (e.g., parental and maternity leave benefits, protection from discrimination on the grounds of family status, protection against discrimination because of preg­ nancy, the right to breastfeed in public, adoption rights for same-sex couples, subsidized childcare, grandparents’ rights)
Teacher prompts: “What does it mean to have ‘family status’ as a protected ground in the Ontario Human Rights Code?” “What rights do grandparents in Ontario and elsewhere in Canada have with respect to access to and visitation with grandchildren after a divorce?”
C3.4 describe the role of the family as an agent of socialization in different cultures and historical periods and among groups from various reli­ gious backgrounds (e.g., with reference to child­ rearing practices, parental expectations, attitudes towards sexuality, education, gender socialization)
Teacher prompt: “What role did parents play in the socialization of children and adolescents in the Middle Ages?”
C3.5 compare the roles of children in the family and society in various cultures and historical periods (e.g., with reference to rites of passage, participation in education and the labour force, the nature of parent-child relationships, attitudes towards family members with special needs)
Teacher prompt: “Why do some social scientists argue that adolescence is a by-product of industrialization? What was the role of adolescents before industrialization?”
C3.6 explain the impact of social institutions (e.g., educational, religious, economic, political insti­ tutions) on the socialization of family members
Teacher prompt: “Which institution has the greater role to play in the socialization of children – school or family? Give reasons to support your answer.”
 C3. The Effects on Family and Parent-Child Relationships
Families in Canada

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