Page 240 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 240

 Grade 12, College Preparation
 B1. Individual Development: demonstrate an understanding of theoretical perspectives and research on various aspects of individual development;
B2. The Development of Intimate Relationships: demonstrate an understanding of theoretical perspectives and research on the development of intimate relationships;
B3. The Development of Family and Parent-Child Relationships: demonstrate an understanding of theoretical perspectives and research on the development of family and parent-child relationships.
 B1. Individual Development
 B2. The Development of Intimate Relationships
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 describe individual development through­ out the lifespan, according to a variety of theoretical perspectives on development
(e.g., psychodynamic perspective [Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, Karen Horney], cognitive perspective [Lev Vygotsky], humanist perspective [Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers], symbolic interactionist per­ spective [Charles Cooley, George Mead], sociocultural perspective [Urie Bronfenbrenner], evolutionary perspective [Konrad Lorenz, John Bowlby])
Teacher prompt: “According to the humanist perspective, what are the major factors con­ tributing to individual development?”
B1.2 describe research on sex-based similarities and differences and on gender-based similarities and differences (e.g., similarities and differences
related to socialization, findings and limitations of brain research)
Teacher prompt: “What have researchers dis­ covered about the differences in the ways that male and female infants tend to be treated?”
B1.3 describe theories used to explain adult development in later life (e.g., Erik Erikson’s stages of generativity versus stagnation, and
ego integrity versus despair; Bernice Neugarten’s concept of the social clock; George Mead’s symbolic interactionist theories)
Teacher prompt: “According to Erikson’s theory, what factors lead to the greatest satisfaction in later life?”
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 summarize how various theoretical perspec­ tives (e.g., psychodynamic, evolutionary, structural functionalist, conflict theory, feminist theory, queer theory perspectives) explain the development of intimate relationships
Teacher prompt: “What key concepts do structural functionalists use to explain how and why intimate relationships develop in specific ways?”
B2.2 describe various theories of attraction and mate selection (e.g., evolutionary theory, filter theory, social homogamy theory, the theory of complementary needs)
Teacher prompt: “According to evolutionary theory, what determines whether two people will be attracted to one another?”
By the end of this course, students will:

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