Page 235 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 235

By the end of this course, students will:
 D1. TrendsandChallengesforIndividuals:demonstrateanunderstandingofdemographictrends related to the lives of individuals and of the impact of social issues and challenges on individual development;
D2. Trends and Challenges in Intimate Relationships: demonstrate an understanding of demographic and social trends and issues related to intimate relationships and of strategies for responding to challenges in those relationships;
D3. TrendsandChallengesintheFamilyandinParent-ChildRelationships:demonstratean understanding of demographic trends related to the family and to parent-child relationships and of the impact of social issues and challenges on family development.
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 analyse the significance of recent demo­ graphic trends relating to the lives of individuals (e.g., trends related to educational attainment, workforce participation, income, independent living, age at retirement, life expectancy, rates of cancer and other serious diseases)
Teacher prompts: “What is the interrelationship between trends in educational attainment, par­ ticipation in the workforce, and independent living?” “Women in Canada have a longer life expectancy than men. What implications does this fact have for the types of caregiving arrangements and supports needed for
older men and women?”
D1.2 assess the impact of current social trends, issues, and challenges on individual develop­ ment (e.g., with reference to electronic media, cli­ mate change, increased urbanization, increased life expectancy, health care, education, economic changes)
Teacher prompts: “What do statistics show about the representation of minority groups in leadership roles in areas such as business and politics? What impact do you think systemic discrimination has had on their representation
in these fields?” “How is childhood development affected by increased urbanization and the cor­ responding decrease in time spent in nature?”
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 analyse the significance of recent demo­ graphic trends relating to intimate relationships (e.g., with regard to adolescent sexual activity; cohabitation, marriage, and divorce rates; same-sex marriage; delayed age of marriage; the number of people living independently; serial monogamy; an increase in arranged marriages)
Teacher prompt: “What trends have there been in cohabitation, marriage, and divorce rates in Canada over the past twenty-five years? What direction do you think these rates will take in the future? Why?”
D2.2 assess the impact of current social trends, issues, and challenges on intimate relationships (e.g., with reference to electronic media, employment, health care, education, economic changes, the aging population, balancing work and family, an increase in the number of relationships between people of different faiths or ethnic backgrounds)
Teacher prompt: “What are some of the ways in which marriage traditions have been adjusted to accommodate interfaith couples?”
 D1. Trends and Challenges for Individuals
 D2. Trends and Challenges in Intimate Relationships
HHI FH1S04/ U2 0

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