Page 232 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 232

 Grade 12, University Preparation
 B3. The Development of Family and Parent-Child Relationships
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
B2.3 assess various theories of attraction, mate selection, and the development of intimate relationships with reference to current research that supports or contradicts them
Teacher prompt: “Which theory or theories of mate selection do you think are the most valid? Why? What research supports your position?”
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 describe the functions of the family
(e.g., reproduction, socialization of children, physical maintenance of members, nurturance and love, social control, production of goods and services), and explain the ways in which these functions are met in diverse family forms (e.g., single-parent families, two-parent families [both same-sex and heterosexual], grandparent-led families, extended families, childless families)
B3.2 assess various theoretical perspectives on the development of family and parent-child relationships (e.g., psychodynamic, symbolic inter­ actionist, structural functionalist, conflict theory, social exchange theory perspectives)
Teacher prompts: “How do the various theoret­ ical perspectives explain the stress experienced by families after the birth of a child?” “Why might some theories be more useful than others in accounting for the experiences of diverse families?” “Which theoretical perspective do you think best accounts for the range of experiences among families in Canada? Why?”
B3.3 assess, with reference to current theories and research (e.g., caregiver identity theory, child and adult attachment theories, Roy Adaptation Model
of Caregiver Stress), the impact of caregiving on family relationships
Teacher prompts: “According to current research and statistics, who provides the majority of the care in families in Canada? What impact might this trend have on family members?” “What are the psychological, social, and economic effects of being the primary caregiver in a family?” “According to caregiver identity theory, what stresses are associated with the transition from an individual’s identity as ‘son’ or ‘daughter’ to that as ‘caregiver’?”

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