Page 21 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 21

    Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
    Philosophy: The Big Questions (HZB3M)
Philosophy: Questions and Theories (HZT4U)**
  World Religions
   World Religions and Belief Traditions: Perspectives, Issues, and Challenges (HRT3M)
 World Religions and Belief Traditions in Daily Life (HRF3O)
 * Prerequisite: The Grade 10 academic course in English, or the Grade 10 academic history course (Canadian and world studies)
** Prerequisite: Any Grade 11 or 12 university or university/college preparation course in social sciences and humanities, English, or Canadian and world studies
*** Prerequisite: Any Grade 11 or 12 university, college, or university/college preparation course in social sciences and humanities, English, or Canadian and world studies
Half-Credit Courses
The courses outlined in the Grade 9 to 12 social sciences and humanities curriculum document are designed as full-credit courses. However, with the exception of Grade 12 university and university/college preparation courses, they may also be delivered as half- credit courses.
Half-credit courses, which require a minimum of fifty-five hours of scheduled instructional time, adhere to the following conditions:
• The two half-credit courses created from a full course must together contain all of the expectations of the full course. The expectations for each half-credit course must be drawn from all strands of the full course and must be divided in a manner that best enables students to achieve the required knowledge and skills in the allotted time.
• A course that is a prerequisite for another course in the secondary curriculum may be offered as two half-credit courses, but students must successfully com­ plete both parts of the course to fulfil the prerequisite. (Students are not required to complete both parts unless the course is a prerequisite for another course they wish to take.)
• The title of each half-credit course must include the designation Part 1 or Part 2. A half credit (0.5) will be recorded in the credit-value column of both the report card and the Ontario Student Transcript.

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