Page 207 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 207

By the end of this course, students will:
 B1. Kitchen Safety: demonstrate an understanding of practices that ensure or enhance kitchen safety;
B2. Food Safety: demonstrate an understanding of practices that ensure or enhance food safety;
B3. Food Preparation: demonstrate skills needed in food preparation;
B4. Kitchen Essentials: demonstrate an understanding of how to stock and organize a starter kitchen.
B1. Kitchen Safety
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 describe common accidents that can occur in the kitchen (e.g., cuts, burns, fires, falls, poisoning, electric shocks)
B1.2 demonstrate an understanding of safe practices within the food-preparation area (e.g., safely handle hot foods; prevent spatters, scalds, and cuts; wipe up spills immediately)
B1.3 demonstrate an understanding of appropriate emergency responses to common accidents associated with food preparation (e.g., cuts, burns, scalds, fires)
B2. Food Safety
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 outline the causes and symptoms of food- borne illnesses (e.g., E. coli poisoning, botulism poisoning, Clostridium perfringens poisoning, salmonellosis, listeriosis) and techniques for preventing these illnesses
B2.2 use appropriate personal hygiene practices to prevent contamination of food (e.g., wash hands frequently; cover a cough or sneeze in their sleeve; use gloves to cover cuts or wounds; tie hair back)
B2.3 use safe food-handling practices to prevent cross-contamination by pathogens, parasites, and allergens in the food-preparation area (e.g., wash fresh produce; sanitize cutting boards after contact with meat products; sanitize implements
that come into contact with allergens when preparing food for or with people with known allergies; sanitize work surfaces; replace or sanitize sponges or cloths frequently; use proper clean-up procedures)
B2.4 follow appropriate protocols to ensure food safety (e.g., cook foods to recommended temperatures; keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold; store food appropriately; wipe tops of cans before opening; check “best-before” dates; demonstrate awareness of common allergenic ingredients)
B3. Food Preparation
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 identify and select appropriate tools, equipment, and ingredients for use in food preparation
B3.2 demonstrate the ability to safely use, maintain, clean, and store tools and equipment used in food preparation
B3.3 demonstrate the ability to adapt recipes by substituting equipment and ingredients that are readily available (e.g., use a frying pan instead of a wok; use milk with vinegar instead
of buttermilk; use dried instead of fresh herbs)
B3.4 demonstrate the ability to measure quantities accurately (e.g., use different strategies for measuring wet and dry ingredients; level off excess amounts; measure liquids at eye level)
B3.5 demonstrate the correct use of food- preparation techniques (e.g., stirring, beating, whipping, chopping, broiling, frying)
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