Page 199 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 199

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. Nutrition throughout the Lifespan: demonstrate an understanding of food- and nutrition-related issues at different stages in the lifespan;
C2. Nutrition and Disease: demonstrate an understanding of the relationships between nutrition, health, and disease;
C3. Trends and Patterns in Food and Nutrition: demonstrate an understanding of current Canadian trends and patterns in nutritional guidelines and in food production and consumption.
C1. Nutrition throughout the Lifespan
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 explain how growth and development throughout the lifespan (e.g., during pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, later life) affect nutritional needs and food choices
Teacher prompt: “What types of food choices could fulfil the nutritional needs of young adults? Primary school children?”
C1.2 explain how a variety of factors (e.g., familial, social, emotional, cultural, religious, economic, geo­ graphic, ethical, psychological) influence the food choices people make
Teacher prompts: “Do you choose different foods when eating with your peers than when eating with your family? If so, why?” “How does where you live affect your access to food?”
C1.3 describe food and nutrition products that are designed to meet the needs of people at different stages of the lifespan (e.g., single-serving products, baby foods, meal-replacement drinks)
Teacher prompts: “How do food companies target people at different stages of the lifespan?” “What are some products designed to appeal to parents of young children? To athletes?
To seniors?”
C1.4 plan and prepare a food item or items appropriate to the nutritional needs of people at a specific stage of the lifespan
C2. Nutrition and Disease
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 describe some eating practices that help in the prevention and management of particular health conditions (e.g., allergies, diabetes, cardio­ vascular disease, osteoporosis, kidney disease)
Teacher prompt: “What types of fat would need to be reduced or eliminated in the diet of someone with cardiovascular disease?”
C2.2 identify social and emotional conditions that may result in unhealthy eating patterns and contribute to illness and disease (e.g., busy schedules, expectations related to body shape, stress, scarcity of resources)
Teacher prompt: “How does stress affect your eating habits? What might be some of the long- term consequences of regularly maintaining such a diet?”
C2.3 explain how various factors (e.g., heredity/ genetics, socio-economic status, geography, lifestyle, activity levels) can contribute to nutrition-related illnesses and health conditions
Teacher prompts: “Are diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, or high cholesterol always the result of heredity? What other factors might also play a role?” “How does childhood poverty affect people’s long-range health outcomes?”
C2.4 describe and explain the reasons for the nutrient needs and dietary requirements
of people with specific illnesses or diseases
H HI F F 1 A 0 4 / C2 0

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