Page 189 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 189

 C2.4 analyse how specific illnesses, diseases, or medical treatments (e.g., diabetes, HIV/ AIDS, chemotherapy, certain pharmaceutical drugs or drug combinations) affect people’s nutritional needs
Teacher prompts: “How does diabetes affect the body’s intake of certain nutrients?” “How do nutrient needs change for individuals undergoing chemotherapy?”
C2.5 identify and evaluate strategies to prevent food- and nutrition-related diseases and illnesses
Teacher prompts: “How effective are marketing strategies that are currently used to promote increased consumption of fruits and vegetables?” “What public health strategies have been used to educate people about type 2 diabetes in specific high-risk groups? How effective are these strategies?” “How can government policies have an impact on the social determinants of nutrition-related diseases and illnesses?”
C2.6 plan and prepare a food item or items to meet the nutritional needs of people with a specific illness or disease
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 evaluate new and emerging food- and nutrition-related products and services in terms of their real or perceived benefits to Canadian consumers (e.g., additives, functional foods, whole-wheat pasta, soy products, energy drinks, vitamin-enhanced drinks, local food initia­ tives, agri-tourism, molecular gastronomy, the slow food movement)
Teacher prompt: “How has the increased con­ sumption of energy drinks improved or com­ promised the overall health and nutritional status of individuals?”
C3.2 explain why people adopt various eating patterns (e.g., vegetarian diet, slow food diet, organic diet, local food diet, weight-loss program)
C3.3 assess the effects on overall health of various eating patterns and trends (e.g., low-carbohydrate diets, promotion of trans-fat-free foods, promotion of antioxidants and phytochemicals)
Teacher prompts: “What criteria would you use to assess the validity of the claims made about a new diet?” “What are some indicators of a fad diet as opposed to a sound nutritional program?”
C3.4 explain some ways in which scientific research on nutrition and health has influenced govern­ ment policy (e.g., nutrition labelling requirements, trans-fat regulations, school food and beverage policies, policies to implement daily physical activity in schools)
Teacher prompts: “What are some legislative changes that have affected current eating patterns and the overall health of populations? What effects have they had?” “What are the reasons for the requirement that trans fatty acids be listed separately on Canadian nutrition labels?”
C3.5 plan and prepare a food item or items using a product that is currently being marketed as a functional food (e.g., flax seed, high-protein pasta, blueberries, pomegranates, chia)
 C3. Trends and Patterns in Food and Nutrition
Nutrition and Health

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