Page 12 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 12

THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
Parents can contribute to students’ success in the social sciences and humanities classroom by helping their children make connections between ideas and issues in the curriculum and other areas of life. To support their children’s learning, parents may wish to demonstrate an active interest in current events and issues relating to social sciences and humanities, and to provide their children with opportunities to question and reflect on the impact of these events and issues on their immediate lives, their families, their communities, and society in general. Parents can also provide valuable support by encouraging children to take part in activities that develop responsible citizenship (e.g., volunteering at a community organization, or writing letters to the editor or their member of Parliament on issues of concern).
In many social sciences and humanities courses, students will have opportunities to work with a variety of equipment and materials. To ensure students’ safety and their full participation in the experiential learning components of these courses, parents should inform teachers of their children’s allergies and/or food restrictions. Parents can also help ensure that their children come to school prepared to participate safely in hands-on activities such as sewing or food-preparation activities.
Teachers and students have complementary responsibilities. Teachers develop appropriate instructional strategies to help students achieve the curriculum expectations, as well
as appropriate methods for assessing and evaluating student learning. Teachers bring enthusiasm and varied teaching and assessment approaches to the classroom, addressing different student needs and ensuring sound learning opportunities for every student. Teachers reflect on the results of the learning opportunities they provide, and make adjustments to them as necessary to help every student achieve the curriculum expectations to the best of his or her ability.
Using a variety of instructional, assessment, and evaluation strategies, teachers provide numerous opportunities for students to develop and refine their critical-thinking, problem- solving, and communication skills while engaged in social sciences and humanities activities, projects, and exploration. The activities offered should give students opportunities to relate their knowledge of and skills in the social sciences and humanities to the social, environ­ mental, and economic conditions and concerns of the world in which they live. Such opportunities will motivate students to participate in their communities as responsible and engaged citizens and to become lifelong learners.
Teachers can help students understand that problem solving of any kind often requires a considerable expenditure of time and energy and a good deal of perseverance. Teachers
can also encourage students to explore alternative solutions and to take the risks necessary to become successful problem solvers.
Social sciences and humanities teachers provide students with frequent opportunities to practise their skills and apply new learning and, through regular and varied assessment, give them the specific feedback they need in order to further develop and refine their skills. By assigning tasks that promote the development of higher-order thinking skills, teachers help students assess information, develop informed opinions, draw conclusions, and become thoughtful and effective communicators.

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