Page 111 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 111

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. Decision Making and Problem Solving: demonstrate the ability to apply decision-making and problem-solving strategies and skills, particularly within a family context;
C2. Managing Resources: demonstrate an understanding of strategies and skills that can be used to manage resources to meet the needs of the family and its individual members;
C3. Practical Skills: demonstrate an understanding of practical skills and knowledge needed to safely and effectively perform day-to-day tasks that help meet their needs and those of the family.
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 identify and use effective decision-making strategies (e.g., identify effective decision-making models, reflect on the results of past decisions) to make sound decisions related to their own well-being and that of their family
Teacher prompts: “What kinds of decisions are suited to an intuitive rather than a rational decision-making model?” “How can reflecting on past decisions help you make future deci­ sions that would be in your best interests?”
C1.2 demonstrate individual and collaborative problem-solving skills that could be applied in situations involving family, peers, or members of the community (e.g., to resolve a disagreement with a parent, when participating in a group pro­ ject, when preparing for a difficult test, to resist peer pressure)
Teacher prompts: “How could you use role play to demonstrate strategies for resolving conflicts with family members?” “What sorts of skills would you need in order to work with a group to plan a meal?” “How do some families use humour to alleviate stress or conflict between family members?” “What skills might elders use in bringing families together?”
C2. Managing Resources
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 identify family resources (e.g., time, knowl­ edge, money, skills, talents) and describe how they can be used to meet the needs of the family unit and its individual members
Teacher prompts: “What are some situations
in which skills and talent can be used instead of money to accomplish household tasks?”
“If you could have plenty of money or plenty of time but not both, which would you choose? Why?”
C2.2 apply effective strategies for managing time to achieve individual, family, and group goals (e.g., prioritizing; setting daily, weekly, and month­ ly goals; clearly communicating divisions of labour within a family or group; identifying resources needed to achieve goals and organizing them logically with respect to time considerations)
Teacher prompts: “In your family, how does
the availability and allocation of time affect
the ability of family members to achieve their goals?” “What are the sources of time pressures in your family? Is it possible to alleviate these pressures?” “What strategies are used in your family to manage time effectively? What other strategies could you suggest to manage time more effectively?” “How could you work with a group to organize the time and tasks needed to accomplish a group goal such as designing
a bulletin board in the classroom or a display case in the hall?”
  C1. Decision Making and Problem Solving

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