Page 95 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 95

e2.4 predict the qualitative characteristics of im- ages (e.g., location, orientation, size, type) formed by converging lenses, test their predic- tions through inquiry, and draw ray diagrams to record their observations [IP, PR, AI, C]
e2.5 investigate how various objects or media (e.g., opaque, translucent, and transparent materials; black-and-white surfaces) reflect, transmit, or absorb light, and record their observations using ray diagrams [PR, C]
e2.6 predict the effect of shining a coloured light on objects of different colours, and test their predictions through inquiry [IP, PR, AI, C]
e2.7 construct an optical device (e.g., a funhouse mirror, a device that produces an optical illusion, a solar oven) that uses a variety of mirrors [PR]
E. Understanding Basic Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
e3.1 describe various types of light emissions (e.g., chemiluminescence, bioluminescence, incandescence, electric discharge) and how they produce light
e3.2 identify and label the visible and invisible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, and identify the colours that make up visible white light
e3.3 explain the laws of reflection of light, and iden- tify ways in which light reflects from various types of mirrors (e.g., plane, converging, diverging)
e3.4 describe qualitatively how visible light is refracted at the interface between two differ- ent media
e3.5 useadditivecolourtheorytopredicttheresults of combining primary and secondary light colours
e3.6 use subtractive colour theory to describe the effect of colour filters on white light
e3.7 explain how the colour of an object is deter- mined by reflection, absorption, and transmis- sion of colour
e3.8 explain how the properties of light or colour are applied in the operation of an optical de- vice (e.g., a reflecting telescope, stop lights, stage lights)

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