Page 82 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 82

 Grade 10, Academic
    e1. evaluate the effectiveness of technological devices and procedures designed to make use of light, and assess their social benefits;
e2. investigate, through inquiry, the properties of light, and predict its behaviour, particularly with respect to reflection in plane and curved mirrors and refraction in converging lenses;
e3. demonstrate an understanding of various characteristics and properties of light, particularly with respect to reflection in mirrors and reflection and refraction in lenses.
  E1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
 E. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
e. phySicS: light and geometric opticS
By the end of this course, students will:
Sample questions: How do vision sensors help the Canadian Food Inspection Agency improve food safety? How are photonics used in the early By the end of this course, students will: diagnosis of diseases such as cancer? How have optical fibres enhanced our ability to com- e1.1 analyse a technological device or procedure
municate information? How do all of these related to human perception of light (e.g., eye-
technologies benefit society? How are outdoor glasses, contact lenses, infrared or low light
lights such as street or stadium lights designed vision sensors, laser surgery), and evaluate its
to limit light pollution in surrounding areas? effectiveness [AI, C]
Sample issue: Laser surgery corrects vision by surgically reshaping the cornea to correct re- fractive defects in the eye. While the procedure is effective in most cases, it poses risks and can in some cases lead to poor night vision.
Sample questions: How do anti-glare night vision glasses help people who have difficulty driving at night? How do eyeglasses with col- our filters help people with dyslexia to read?
e1.2 analyse a technological device that uses the properties of light (e.g., microscope, retro- reflector, solar oven, camera), and explain how it has enhanced society [AI, C]
Sample issue: Cameras can produce a range of optical effects, from highly detailed and realis- tic to manipulated and abstract. Photographic images are used for a wide range of purposes that benefit society, including in the areas of culture, education, security, policing, entertain- ment, and the environment. However, the widespread use of cameras raises privacy concerns.
By the end of this course, students will:
e2.1 use appropriate terminology related to light and optics, including, but not limited to: angle of incidence, angle of reflection, angle of refraction, focal point, luminescence, magnification, mirage, and virtual image [C]
e2.2 use an inquiry process to investigate the laws of reflection, using plane and curved mirrors, and draw ray diagrams to summarize their find- ings [PR, C]
e2.3 predictthequalitativecharacteristicsofimages formed by plane and curved mirrors (e.g., loca- tion, relative distance, orientation, and size in plane mirrors; location, orientation, size, type in curved mirrors), test their predictions through in- quiry, and summarize their findings [PR, AI, C]

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