Page 66 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 66

 Grade 9, Applied
    c1. analyse how properties of common elements and/or simple compounds affect their use, and assess the social and environmental impact associated with their production or use;
c2. investigate, through inquiry, physical and chemical properties of common elements and simple compounds;
c3. demonstrate an understanding of the properties of common elements and simple compounds, and general features of the organization of the periodic table.
  C1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
 C. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
c. chemiStry: exploring matter OVERALL EXPECTATIONS
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
c1.1 analyse how the chemical and physical properties of common elements and/or simple compounds affect the use of everyday materials that contain those elements and/or compounds [AI, C]
Sample issue: Chlorine compounds have strong disinfectant properties and are used in bleach and to purify water. However, these compounds can be highly toxic and must be used with care.
Sample questions: How do the compounds in road salt reduce ice accumulation? Why are fire extinguishers that contain compressed carbon dioxide not suitable for fighting a magnesium fire? Why do some types of sports equipment use titanium? Why should gasoline not be used as a degreasing solvent?
c1.2 assess the social and environmental impact of the production or use of a common element or simple compound [AI, C]
Sample issue: The use of road salt makes winter driving safer, reducing the social costs of motor vehicle accidents, including loss of human life. But the compounds in road salt damage roads and vehicles, pollute water systems, and harm animals and vegetation.
Sample questions: What are the social benefits and environmental costs of mining or refining metals such as nickel, iron, or gold? What is
the environmental impact of using fertilizers rich in nitrogen on lawns and gardens? What is the environmental impact of the widespread use of plastics?
By the end of this course, students will:
c2.1 use appropriate terminology related to the exploration of matter, including, but not limited to: combustion, conductor, decomposition, lustrous, precipitate, reaction, and soluble [C]
c2.2 use an inquiry process to identify the physic- al and chemical properties of common elements and simple common compounds, including gaseous substances (e.g., sulfur is a yellow solid; sodium chloride is water soluble; nitrogen gas is colourless, odourless, and very unreactive) [PR, AI]
c2.3 plan and conduct an investigation to compare and contrast characteristic physical properties of metals with those of non-metals (e.g., most metals are lustrous or shiny and are good con- ductors of heat; most non-metals in solid form are brittle and are not good conductors of heat) [IP, PR, AI]
c2.4 investigate and distinguish between the physical and chemical properties of household substances (e.g., starch, table salt, wax, tooth- paste) [PR, AI]

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