Page 22 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 22

Interactions Among the Four Broad Areas of Skills Initiating and Planning
 Formulate questions or hypotheses or make predictions about issues, problems, or the relationships between observable variables, and plan investigations to answer the questions or test the hypotheses/predictions
Think and brainstorm
Identify problems/issues to explore
Formulate questions
Identify variables
Make predictions, develop hypotheses
Define and clarify the inquiry or research problem
Identify and locate research sources Select instruments and materials
Plan for safe practices in investigations
Performing and Recording
 Use appropriate linguistic, numeric, symbolic, and graphic modes to communicate ideas, procedures, results, and conclusions in a variety of ways
Communicate ideas, procedures, and results in a variety of forms (e.g., orally, in writing, using electronic presentations)
Use appropriate formats to communicate results (e.g., reports, data tables, scientific models)
Use numeric, symbolic, and graphic modes of representation
Express results accurately and precisely
Use correct terminology and appropriate units of measurement
  Conduct research by gathering, organizing, and recording information from appropriate sources; and conduct inquiries, making observations and collecting, organizing, and recording qualitative and quantitative data
Conduct inquiries safely
Observe, and record observations
Use equipment, materials, and technology accurately and safely
Control variables, as appropriate Adapt or extend procedures
Gather, organize, and record relevant information from research, and data from inquiries
Acknowledge sources, using an accepted form of documentation
  Analysing and Interpreting
 Evaluate the reliability of data from inquiries, and of information from research sources, and analyse the data or information to identify patterns and relationships and draw and justify conclusions
Think critically and logically
Evaluate reliability of data and information
Process and synthesize data
Evaluate whether data supports or refutes hypotheses/predictions
Interpret data/information to identify patterns and relationships
Draw conclusions
Justify conclusions
Identify sources of error or bias

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