Page 11 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 11

Community Partners
Community partners in areas related to science can be an important resource for schools and students. They can provide support for students in the classroom and can be models of how the knowledge and skills acquired through the study of the curriculum relate to life beyond school. As mentors, they can enrich not only the educational experience of students but also the life of the community. For example, schools can make use of community groups that recruit practising scientists (e.g., engineers, optometrists, veterinarians, geologists, lab technicians) to provide in-class workshops for students that are based on topics, concepts, and skills from the curriculum.
Schools and school boards can play a role by coordinating efforts with community part- ners. They can involve community volunteers in supporting science instruction and in promoting a focus on scientific literacy in and outside the school. Community partners can be included in events held in the school (such as parent education nights and science fairs), and school boards can collaborate with leaders of existing community science pro- grams for students, including programs offered in community centres, libraries, and local museums and science centres.

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