Page 5 - Science - Grade 9, DE-STREAMED COURSE (SNC1W)
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This curriculum policy presents the compulsory Grade 9 science course, 2022 (SNC1W). This course supersedes the two Grade 9 courses outlined in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 2008. Effective September 2022, all science programs for Grade 9 will be based on the expectations outlined on this site.
The Grade 9 science curriculum focuses on the fundamental concepts of science and on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills. It supports students in making connections between skills and concepts and the practical applications of science in their lives, and in learning about biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth and space science. This curriculum is designed to help students prepare for deeper levels of science as they continue in secondary school and beyond.
In addition to the considerations outlined in this curriculum context, all of the general “Program Planning” sections on this site apply to this course. Educators should review and implement these sections, as well as the components that appear below.
Vision and Goals of the Grade 9 Science Course
The vision of the Grade 9 science course is for students to acquire and develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in today’s rapidly changing world. As discoveries and innovations in STEM increasingly impact our lives, science continues to adapt and evolve. A central component of this curriculum is safe, practical, hands-on, experiential learning that will support students in becoming successful and discerning individuals who are scientifically literate.
Throughout the Grade 9 science course, students apply scientific and engineering design processes to develop their sense of wonder about the world, to explore their curiosity about what they observe, and to investigate problems relating to science, technology, society, and the environment. Students are encouraged to consider what practical steps they themselves can take to help solve some of these problems.
This curriculum provides numerous opportunities for students to develop essential STEM skills and to extend and deepen their understanding of the fundamental concepts of science. Students will continue to develop the ability to make connections that honour the complex, cross-curricular, and sometimes ambiguous nature of modern scientific problems. As they bring experiences from their own lives to the classroom, students are encouraged to see the connections between science and other subject areas.

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