Page 33 - Science - Grade 9, DE-STREAMED COURSE (SNC1W)
P. 33

Concern for safety must be an integral part of instructional planning and implementation. Teachers are encouraged to review:
• their responsibilities under the Education Act;
• their rights and responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act;
• their school board’s health and safety policy for employees;
• their school board’s policies and procedures relating to student health and safety (e.g., those
related to concussions, medical conditions such as asthma, outdoor education excursions);
• relevant provincial subject association guidelines and standards for student health and safety;
• any additional mandatory requirements, particularly for higher-risk activities (e.g., field trips,
workplaces), including requirements for approvals (e.g., from the supervisory officer), permissions (e.g., from parents),3 and/or qualifications.
Wherever possible, potential risks should be identified and procedures developed to prevent or minimize, and respond to, incidents and injuries. School boards provide and maintain safe equipment, facilities, materials, and tools as well as qualified instruction. In safe learning environments, teachers will:
• be aware of up-to-date safety information;
• plan activities with safety as a primary consideration;
• inform students and parents of risks involved in activities;
• observe students to ensure that they are following safe practices, including the wearing of
personal protective equipment;
• have a plan in case of emergency;
• show foresight;
• act quickly.
To carry out their responsibilities with regard to safety, it is important not only that teachers have concern for their own safety and that of students, but also that they have:
• the knowledge necessary to safely use the materials, tools, and procedures involved in science;
• knowledge concerning the care of living things – plants and animals – that are brought into the
• the skills needed to perform tasks efficiently and safely.
Note: Teachers supervising students using power equipment such as drills, sanders, and saws need to have specialized training in handling such tools.
Students should be made aware that health and safety is everyone’s responsibility – at home; at school; in the community, including in the natural environment; and while visiting, and participating
3 The word parent(s) is used on this website to refer to parent(s) and guardian(s). It may also be taken to include caregivers or close family members who are responsible for raising the child.

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