Page 30 - Science - Grade 9, DE-STREAMED COURSE (SNC1W)
P. 30

o consider developing new solutions that are different from existing solutions o refine or combine potential solutions
Performing and Recording
• Select an option and develop a prototype
o select the most appropriate solution, based on established criteria
o plan the design of the solution, considering the required stages as well as available
materials, equipment, and time
o consider the economic, environmental, ethical, and health and safety concerns related to
the potential design
o consider the key components of the design, and ensure that they can be effectively
o construct a prototype of the design
• Test the prototype
o develop tests to evaluate the solution
o conduct tests in a variety of contexts, including in controlled and in real-world
environments and with various potential users
o record observations and data
o obtain feedback on the prototype from others, including teachers, classmates, friends,
family members, and/or community members
Analysing and Interpreting
• Evaluate and revise the prototype
o analyse results from testing to determine what changes should be made to the prototype
to enhance the end-user experience
o considering the results of testing, review initial resources, existing knowledge, and other
brainstormed ideas to improve upon the design
o consider additional components, materials, equipment, or time needed o refine the prototype to develop a finished product
• Communicate the solution
o choose a form or medium for communication that is appropriate for the intended audience o identify the important information and components of the solution or project to share, and
develop a draft or plan for the presentation or demonstration, using appropriate
o consider issues that might arise during the presentation or demonstration, and minimize
their risk
o review drafts and plans, considering the audience’s perspective, and make changes as
o present or finalize the design or solution

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