Page 20 - Science - Grade 9, DE-STREAMED COURSE (SNC1W)
P. 20

In this strand, students use scientific research, scientific experimentation, and engineering design processes to carry out investigations, design solutions to problems, develop a conceptual understanding of the science they are learning, and communicate their findings. Students also use coding to investigate and model scientific concepts and relationships. Through the planning and conducting of hands-on investigations, students apply knowledge and understanding of established health and safety procedures.
In Strand A, students design an experiment or a prototype to explore a problem relevant to a STEM- related occupation or skilled trade. Students continue to develop and apply scientific literacy skills to examine local and global social and environmental issues, and assess how the development and application of science is influenced by social, economic, and cultural contexts. Students analyse the contributions to science by people with diverse lived experiences and from various communities and have the opportunity to learn about Indigenous sciences and to make connections to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit knowledge systems and perspectives.
Strand B – Biology
In this strand, students develop an understanding of sustainable ecosystems and how sustainability is related to various ecological factors and processes, such as biodiversity, air and water quality, and soil health. Students assess how human activities impact the environment, including how they contribute to climate change, and explore ways to address some of the impacts. Students investigate the flow of energy and the cycling of matter in the environment and the importance of these natural processes in maintaining a dynamic equilibrium in ecosystems.
Strand C – Chemistry
In this strand, students explore the relevance of chemistry to their daily lives by investigating the use and safe disposal of various elements and compounds. Additionally, they assess the impacts of chemical processes and technologies on society and the environment. Students investigate the nature of matter by studying properties of elements and compounds, the structure of atoms, and the relationship between the atomic structure of elements and the organization of the periodic table.
Strand D – Physics
In this strand, students develop an understanding of the impacts of electrical energy production and consumption on society, the environment, and the economy, and explore ways to achieve sustainable practices. Students also investigate the nature of electric charges, including properties of static and current electricity, and explain the relationships between various electrical quantities.
Strand E – Earth and Space Science
In this strand, students investigate the impacts of space exploration on society, the environment, and the economy, and the importance to society of technological innovations resulting from space

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