Page 58 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 58

 Grade 11, University Preparation
    e1. analyse the relationships between changing societal needs, technological advances, and our understanding of internal systems of humans;
e2. investigate, through laboratory inquiry or computer simulation, the functional responses of the respiratory and circulatory systems of animals, and the relationships between their respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems;
e3. demonstrateanunderstandingofanimalanatomyandphysiology,anddescribedisordersofthe respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems.
  E1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
e. AnimAlS: Structure And function
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
e1.1 evaluate the importance of various technolo- gies, including Canadian contributions, to our understanding of internal body systems (e.g., endoscopes can be used to locate, diagnose, and surgically remove digestive system tu- mours; lasers can be used during surgery to destroy lung tumours; nuclear magnetic reson- ance [NMR] imaging can be used to diagnose injuries and cardiovascular disorders, such as aneurysms) [AI, C]
Sample issue: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT) are non-invasive imaging technologies that can produce three-dimensional views of organs, tissues, and bones, providing valuable information on internal body systems. The imaging equipment is expensive to buy, operate, and maintain, so it is usually available only in large urban centres with high demand.
Sample questions: How has the development of the two-photon imaging microscope im- proved our ability to locate and analyse rare types of cancerous cells? How are nanotech- nologies being used in non-invasive exploratory
surgeries? What are the benefits of new com- puter software that allows doctors to view three- dimensional models of organs for surgery and radiation treatments?
e1.2 assess how societal needs (e.g., the need for healthy foods; the need to counteract the effects of sedentary lifestyles) lead to scientific and technological developments related to internal systems (e.g., advances in dietary products and fitness equipment; improved standards for transplanting organs) [AI, C]
Sample issue: Diabetes is becoming a more common medical condition in Canada as a result of increasingly sedentary lifestyles and an aging population. Until recently, people with diabetes had to monitor their blood sugar and self-administer insulin. For many people, this regimen is now being replaced with more convenient and reliable insulin pump therapy.
Sample questions: How has the need to develop safer and faster tests for diagnosing internal diseases led to the development of nanotech- nologies? What types of products have resulted from society’s demand for multifunctional foods, such as low-calorie junk foods? What types of technologies have been developed in response to the shortage of organs available for transplant?

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