Page 55 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 55

c2.3 analyse, on the basis of research, and report on the contributions of various scientists to modern theories of evolution (e.g., Charles Lyell, Thomas Malthus, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Charles Darwin, Stephen Jay Gould, Niles Eldredge) [IP, PR, AI, C]
c2.4 investigate, through a case study or comput- er simulation, the processes of natural selection and artificial selection (e.g., selective breeding, antibiotic resistance in microorganisms), and analyse the different mechanisms by which they occur [PR, AI, C]
C. Understanding Basic Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
c3.1 explain the fundamental theory of evolution, using the evolutionary mechanism of natural selection to illustrate the process of biological change over time
c3.2 explain the process of adaptation of individ- ual organisms to their environment (e.g., some disease-causing bacteria in a bacterial popula- tion can survive exposure to antibiotics due to slight genetic variations from the rest of the population, which allows successful surviving bacteria to pass on antibiotic resistance to the next generation)
c3.3 define the concept of speciation, and explain the process by which new species are formed
c3.4 describe some evolutionary mechanisms (e.g., natural selection, artificial selection, sexual selection, genetic variation, genetic drift, biotechnology), and explain how they affect the evolutionary development and extinction of various species (e.g., Darwin’s finches, giraffes, pandas)


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