Page 258 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 258

infectious materials. Materials that contain pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites that can harm people or animals.
inference. The act or process of deriving a conclu- sion based solely on what one knows or observes.
ingestion. The process of taking food or other substances into the body through the mouth.
inhalation. The process of breathing in. It is one of the modes by which foreign substances can enter the body.
inorganic compound. A substance that does not contain carbon as its principal element; matter that is neither plant nor animal.
inorganic waste. Waste that is composed of chemical compounds that do not contain carbon as their principal element; waste whose source is neither plant nor animal.
Integrated Pest Management. An ecological approach that uses an array of complementary methods to control pests. These methods may include mechanical and physical devices; genetic, biological, and chemical management; and cultural practices.
invasive species. Non-indigenous species that have adverse environmental, ecological, or economic effects on the habitats they invade.
joule (j). A unit of energy or work, a joule repre- sents the work done by a force of one newton applied through a displacement of one metre in the direction of a force.
kilojoule (kJ). A unit of energy or work equal to 1000 joules.
kilowatt. A unit of power equal to 1000 watts.
kilowatt-hour (kWh). A unit of energy or work equal to that expended by one kilowatt in one hour.
life-cycle assessments. A process for evaluating the inputs and outputs of materials and energy at each stage in the life cycle of a product, from raw materials to final disposal.
macromolecule. A large molecule (e.g., a carbohydrate).
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). A workplace-related document that contains infor- mation on the safe use, storage, and handling of chemical products as well as the potential hazards and emergency measures associated with these products.
Möbius loop (waste management). The symbol used to indicate that an object can be recycled or is made of recycled materials.
mutation. An abrupt change, either qualitative or quantitative, in the genotype of an organism, not resulting from recombination.
native species. Those species indigenous to a particular area or region that have evolved over thousands of years, adapting to their surround- ings, and have become an important part of the local ecosystem.
natural environment. An environment that has not been altered by human activity.
naturalization. A process whereby a species becomes permanently established after being introduced.
neutralization. The process of making a solution neutral (pH = 7) by adding a base to an acid solution, or adding an acid to an alkaline (basic) solution.
non-communicable disease. A disease that is not infectious and is caused by something other than a pathogen.
non-renewable energy sources. Energy sources that cannot be replenished in a short period of time (e.g., fossil fuels, nuclear energy).
nutrient. A food or chemical that an organism needs to live and grow; a substance used in an organism’s metabolism that must be taken in from its environment.

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