Page 253 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 253

drink and freshly squeezed orange juice), with reference to qualitative and quantitative differ- ences such as the number of ingredients, types of nutrients, non-nutrient additives, texture, and colour [PR, AI]
f2.3 conduct an investigation to test for the pres- ence of various nutrients in foods (e.g., use iodine to test for starch; use Benedict’s solution to test for simple sugar) [PR]
f2.4 plan and conduct an investigation into the effectiveness of food preservatives (e.g., use lemon juice to reduce oxidation of apple slices; compare mould growth on commercial and home-made bread) [IP, PR]
f2.5 modify a recipe or menu to meet a dietary restriction (e.g., reduce the cholesterol content by replacing whole eggs with egg whites; re- duce the sodium content by cutting salt; replace milk with soy milk; replace meat with tofu or legumes), and explain the reasons for the chan- ges (e.g., sodium can contribute to high blood pressure; dairy products can cause digestive problems for people who are lactose intolerant; non-animal sources of protein are necessary for vegans, who do not eat any animal products) [PR, C]
F. Understanding Basic Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
f3.1 identifysourcesoftheprincipalfoodnutrients (e.g., carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fibre), with reference to Canada’s Food Guide, and describe the function of these nutrients in the body
f3.2 identify the type of information commonly found on a food label, and describe how the infor- mation is organized (e.g., serving size, percentage of daily values, amount of each component)
f3.3 explain the meaning of a variety of descrip- tors found on food labels (e.g., “fat free”, “low fat”, “lite”, “pure”, “organic”, “lean”, “diet”)
f3.4 describe the function of non-nutrient food additives (e.g., lecithin; monosodium glutamate [MSG]; artificial colour, flavour, and sweetener; preservatives), and explain their effects on hu- man health

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