Page 237 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 237

e2.3 use a research process to investigate public health strategies developed to combat a potential pandemic (e.g., SARS, C. difficile, avian flu) [IP, PR]
e2.4 use a research process to locate a media report on a public health issue (e.g., the handling of SARS, the banning of bisphenol-A in plastic bottles), summarize its arguments, and assess them from a scientific perspective [IP, PR, AI, C]
E. Understanding Basic Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
e3.1 describe the characteristics according to which a pandemic is classified (e.g., the strain of a virus, its mode of transmission)
e3.2 explain how pandemics have affected hu- manity throughout history (e.g., the bubonic plague of 1347–1352 in Europe, the cholera pan- demic of 1817–1823 in Asia, the global Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918–1920, the contem- porary AIDS pandemic)
e3.3 explain the impact of various threats to pub- lic health, including infectious diseases (e.g., hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, sexually transmitted diseases), chronic diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma), and environmental factors (e.g., climate change, air pollution, chemical pollutants, radiation)
e3.4 explain a variety of social factors that can pro- mote the rapid spread of infectious diseases (e.g., global population growth, international travel, poor sanitation, lack of clean drinking water)
e3.5 describe public health measures, including legislation, that are used for the protection of the public (e.g., quarantines, vaccinations, water chlorination, regulations on what items travellers can bring into a country)
e3.6 explain why some populations are particu- larly susceptible to specific health problems (e.g., the risk of diabetes among First Nations populations; the risk of thalassemia among Mediterranean populations; the risk of pneumonia and tuberculosis among people with HIV/AIDS)

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