Page 213 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 213

A1.10 draw conclusions based on inquiry results and research findings, and justify their conclu- sions with reference to scientific knowledge
Communicating [C]*
A1.11 communicate ideas, plans, procedures, results, and conclusions orally, in writing, and/or in electronic presentations, using appropriate language and a variety of formats (e.g., data tables, laboratory reports, presen- tations, debates, simulations, models)
A1.12 use appropriate numeric (e.g., SI and imperial units), symbolic, and graphic modes of representation (e.g., free-body diagrams, algebraic equations)
A1.13 express the results of any calculations in- volving data accurately and precisely, to the appropriate number of decimal places or sig- nificant figures
A2. Career Exploration
Throughout this course, students will:
A2.1 identify and describe a variety of careers re- lated to the fields of science under study (e.g., alternative energy advocate, sustainable energy technician, electrician, mechanic) and the edu- cation and training necessary for these careers
A2.2 describe the contributions of scientists, includ- ing Canadians (e.g., Elijah McCoy, Jaisel Vadgama, Gerald Vincent Bull, Elizabeth Cannon, Richard Marceau, Normand C. Beaulieu), to the fields under study

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