Page 21 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 21

    Grades 11 and 12 – Strands (continued)
 strand B
 strand C
 strand D
 strand e
 strand F
  Earth and Space Science, Gr. 12, University (SESU)
  Astronomy (science of the Universe)
 Planetary science (science of the solar system)
 Recording earth’s Geological History
 earth Materials
 Geological Processes
 Environmental Science, Gr. 11, University/College (SVNM)
  scientific solutions to Contemporary environmental Challenges
 Human Health and the environment
 sustainable Agriculture and Forestry
 Reducing and Managing Waste
 Conservation of energy
 Environmental Science, Gr. 11, Workplace (SVNE)
 Human Impact on the environment
  Human Health and the environment
  energy Conservation
  natural Resource science and Management
  the safe and environmentally Responsible Workplace
 Physics, Gr. 11, University (SPHU)
 energy and society
  Waves and sound
  electricity and Magnetism
  Physics, Gr. 12, University (SPHU)
 energy and Momentum
 Gravitational, electric, and Magnetic Fields
 the Wave nature of Light
 Revolutions in Modern Physics: Quantum Mechanics and special Relativity
 Physics, Gr. 12, College (SPHC)
 Motion and Its Applications
  Mechanical systems
  electricity and Magnetism
  energy transformations
  Hydraulic and Pneumatic systems
 Science, Gr. 12, University/College (SNCM)
  Medical technologies
 Pathogens and Diseases
 nutritional science
 science and Public Health Issues
 Science, Gr. 12, Workplace (SNCE)
 Hazards in the Workplace
  Chemicals in Consumer Products
  Disease and Its Prevention
  electricity at Home and Work
  nutritional science

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