Page 208 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 208

 Grade 12, University Preparation
    f1. analyse, with reference to quantum mechanics and relativity, how the introduction of new conceptual models and theories can influence and/or change scientific thought and lead to the development of new technologies;
f2. investigate special relativity and quantum mechanics, and solve related problems;
f3. demonstrate an understanding of the evidence that supports the basic concepts of quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of special relativity.
  F1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
 F2. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
Sample questions: How has quantum comput- ing moved the computer age forward? What are some of the applications of the theory of
By the end of this course, students will: relativity and/or quantum mechanics in medicine? Why were quantum mechanics and f1.1 analyse the development of the two major
the theory of relativity necessary to the develop- revolutions in modern physics (e.g., the impact
ment of the atomic bomb?
of the discovery of the photoelectric effect on
the development of quantum mechanics; the
impact of thought experiments on the develop-
ment of the theory of relativity), and assess
how they changed scientific thought [AI, C]
By the end of this course, students will:
Sample questions: Which scientists made the
most important contributions to the develop-
f2.1 use appropriate terminology related to ment of quantum mechanics? What kinds of
quantum mechanics and special relativity, experiments did they conduct? What sorts
including, but not limited to: quantum theory,
of discoveries did they make? In what ways
photoelectric effect, matter waves, time dilation, did later discoveries build on earlier ones?
and mass–energy transformation [C]
What experiments and discoveries led to the
f2.2 solve problems related to the photoelectric development of the theory of relativity? What
effect, the Compton effect, and de Broglie’s impact did Einstein’s theories have on later
matter waves [PR, AI]
scientific thought?
f2.3 solve problems related to Einstein’s theory f1.2 assess the importance of relativity and quan-
of special relativity in order to calculate the tum mechanics to the development of various
effects of relativistic motion on time, length, technologies (e.g., nuclear power; light sensors;
and mass (e.g., the half-life of cosmic ray muons, diagnostic tools such as magnetic resonance
how far into the future a fast space ship would imaging [MRI], computerized axial tomography
travel, the magnetic field strength necessary to [CAT], positron emission tomography [PET])
keep protons in the Large Hadron Collider) [AI, C]
[PR, AI]
f. revolutionS in modern phySicS: QuAntum mechAnicS And SpeciAl relAtivity
By the end of this course, students will:

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