Page 192 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 192

 Grade 11, University Preparation
    e1. analyse how mechanical waves and sound affect technology, structures, society, and the environment, and assess ways of reducing their negative effects;
e2. investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, the properties of mechanical waves and sound, and solve related problems;
e3. demonstrate an understanding of the properties of mechanical waves and sound and of the principles underlying their production, transmission, interaction, and reception.
  E1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
 E2. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
e1.1 analyse how properties of mechanical waves and sound influence the design of structures and technological devices (e.g., the acoustical design of a concert hall; the design of head- phones, hearing aids, musical instruments, wave pools) [AI, C]
Sample issue: Waves cause vibrations when they oscillate at different frequencies. Oscillating waves caused by wind or earth- quakes can threaten the structure of bridges if they are not properly designed. Engineers have developed different designs of bridges, depending on local conditions, but no single design can take all possible wave frequencies into account.
Sample questions: How do energy-conversion buoys use the properties of waves to generate electricity? Why do different musical instruments produce different sounds? What features need to be incorporated into the acoustic design of an outdoor concert venue in order for it to provide optimal sound quality for the audience but limited noise in the surrounding area?
e1.2 analyse the negative impact that mechanical waves and/or sound can have on society and the environment, and assess the effectiveness of a technology intended to reduce this impact [AI, C]
Sample issue: Noise pollution from industrial, transportation, entertainment, and other sources can increase stress, lead to hearing loss, disrupt ecosystems, and alter animal behaviour. Noise pollution can be reduced by using mufflers, sound barriers, baffles, and earplugs, and by turning down the volume on devices such as cellphones and headsets.
Sample questions: What impact can tsunamis have on coastal regions? How effective is tsunami-monitoring equipment in reducing death tolls and property destruction? How do the noise levels produced by different types of jet engines compare with each other? How effect- ive are the sound baffles erected on the sides of highways that run through residential areas?
By the end of this course, students will:
e2.1 use appropriate terminology related to mechanical waves and sound, including, but not limited to: longitudinal wave, transverse wave, frequency, period, cycle, amplitude, phase, wavelength, velocity, superposition, constructive interference, destructive interference, standing waves, and resonance [C]
e2.2 conduct laboratory inquiries or computer simulations involving mechanical waves and their interference (e.g., using a mass oscillating on a spring, a mass oscillating on a pendulum, the oscillation in a string instrument) [PR]

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