Page 179 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 179

f2.2 demonstrate proper use of a variety of safety techniques and procedures after completing a recognized safety training program (e.g., a “virtual WHMIS” program such as Passport to Safety) [PR]
f2.3 conductaninventoryofhazardousproducts, safety equipment, and personal protective equipment found in a workplace, using an accepted tool (e.g., a FireSmart Assessment test from the Ministry of Natural Resources), and communicate the results using a table or check- list [PR, C]
f2.4 use appropriate techniques for handling, storing, and disposing of teacher-selected materials, drawing on Material Safety Data Sheets and Canadian Environmental Protection Act regulations (e.g., use appropriate personal protective equipment), and outline proper procedures for handling those materials in the workplace [PR, C]
f2.5 design and report on a plan for reusing, recycling, reducing the volume of, or disposing of a hazardous material found in the workplace (e.g., disposing of batteries, reusing motor or cooking oils for a different purpose) [IP, C]
f2.6 investigate the effectiveness of a personal protective device or environmental protection device for use in the workplace (e.g., compare two different spill kits for absorbing spills; test the key features of a mask for protection from airborne particulate matter; identify the appro- priate types of eye protection for different situations) [PR, AI]
F. Understanding Basic Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
f3.1 describesomeofthewaysinwhichimplemen- tation of the 4Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover) in the workplace protects the environment
(e.g., by reducing the production of garbage and recycling materials for daily use), and explain the meaning of different symbols used to promote these strategies (e.g., different represen- tations of the Möbius loop [the international recycling symbol])
f3.2 compare some of the features, uses, and environmental implications of Hazardous Household Product Symbols and WHMIS hazard symbols
f3.3 identify and describe common types of biological, physical, and chemical hazards in the workplace (e.g., hazards posed by bac- teria, noise, work at dangerous heights, use of chemicals and other hazardous materials) and associated accident-prevention methods (e.g., sterilization, soundproofing, use of five- point safety harnesses, use of safe storage cabinets, safe disposal of chemicals)
f3.4 explain how the use of personal protective equipment (e.g., aluminized gloves, a welding shield, ear plugs, a self-contained breathing apparatus, an air-purifying mask) minimizes exposure to hazardous materials that can enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, absorp- tion, and injection
f3.5 identify some current workplace procedures, practices, and protocols that help to protect the environment (e.g., garbage separation, paper recycling, use of recycled products, “telecom- muting” to workplaces, practices that conserve water and energy)
 Environmental Science

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