Page 147 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 147

e2.3 conduct a series of tests (e.g., hardness, streak, density) to identify and classify common minerals (e.g., quartz, calcite, potassium feldspar, plagioclase feldspar, muscovite, biotite, talc, graphite, hornblende) [PR, AI]
e2.4 investigate common igneous rocks (e.g., granite, obsidian, andesite, basalt, gabbro), using a hand lens, classify them on the basis of their texture (e.g., porphyritic, phaneritic, aphanitic) and composition (e.g., acid, intermediate, basic), and use this information to determine their origins (i.e., extrusive or intrusive) [PR, AI]
e2.5 investigate sedimentary rocks (e.g., con- glomerate, breccia, sandstone, shale, limestone, dolostone, chert, gypsum, rock salt, coal), using a hand lens, classify them on the basis of their texture (e.g., coarse- or fine-grained, detrital) and composition (e.g., clastic, chemical, fossil inclusions), and use this information to deter- mine their origin (e.g., clastic, chemical) [PR, AI]
e2.6 investigate metamorphic rocks (e.g., slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, quartzite, marble), using a hand lens, and classify them on the basis of their characteristics (e.g., foliation, crystallinity) in order to identify their parent rock and the temperature, pressure, and chemical conditions at their formation [PR, AI]
e2.7 investigate a geological setting in their local area (e.g., a river/stream bed or lakeshore; a rock outcrop), and identify and classify rock samples collected from that area [PR, AI]
e2.8 plan and conduct an inquiry to investigate the factors that determine the size and form of mineral crystals (e.g., the temperature of the solution, the type of salt, the level of saturation, the temperature of slides containing melted salol) [IP, PR]
E. Understanding Basic Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
e3.1 identify the physical and chemical properties of selected minerals, and describe the tests used to determine these properties
e3.2 describe the formation (i.e., intrusive or extrusive) and identify the distinguishing characteristics of igneous rocks (e.g., compos- ition and eruption type; mineralogical content indicating the type of volcano in which a rock was formed)
e3.3 describe the formation of clastic and chem- ical sediments, and the characteristics of the corresponding sedimentary rocks (e.g., shape and size of particles, nature of their deposition)
e3.4 describe the different ways in which meta- morphic rocks are formed (i.e., through changes in temperature, pressure, and chemical condi- tions) and the factors that contribute to their variety (e.g., variation in parent rock; regional or contact metamorphism)
e3.5 describe the role of Earth materials in the safe disposal of industrial and urban waste and toxic materials (e.g., the low permeability of clays makes them suitable material for barriers in waste disposal sites)
 Earth and Space Science

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