Page 139 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 139

Communicating [C]*
A1.11 communicate ideas, plans, procedures, results, and conclusions orally, in writing, and/or in electronic presentations, using appropriate language and a variety of formats (e.g., data tables, laboratory reports, presen- tations, debates, simulations, models)
A1.12 use appropriate numeric (e.g., SI and imperial units), symbolic, and graphic modes of represen- tation (e.g., use appropriate time scales when representing geological time, or appropriate units to represent astronomical distances)
A1.13 express the results of any calculations involving data accurately and precisely, to the appropriate number of decimal places or significant figures
A2. Career Exploration
Throughout this course, students will:
A2.1 identify and describe a variety of careers related to the field of science under study (e.g., astronomer, paleontologist, astrophysicist, geologist, professor, planetarium curator) and the education and training necessary for these careers
A2.2 describe the contributions of scientists, including Canadian scientists (e.g., Alice Wilson, George M. Dawson, Thomas Edvard Krogh, William E. Logan, Richard Bond, Helen Sawyer Hogg, Joseph B. Tyrrell), to the fields under study
 Earth and Space Science

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