Page 98 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
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or give any instructions or suggestions (for example, suggestions about pacing
their work) not given to all students writing the test.
✦✦ It is generally an advantage if the student knows the person who assists with
the implementation of accommodations. However, as noted above, the person
must not be a relative.
✦✦ All non-teaching personnel providing assistance with the implementation of
accommodations will be required to adhere to the same security provisions and other guidelines for the administration of the OSSLT as the teachers and principals involved in its administration.
✦✦ The role of the scribe is to write – by hand or using a typewriter or computer – the student’s dictated answers to questions. The scribe must not in any way help the student to formulate answers to the questions. In the course of the test, the scribe:
✧✦ must not give any assistance or suggestions relating to the content of the test;
✧✦ must not give advice related to the order of the questions or the time to be spent on them;
✧✦ must write, by hand or using a typewriter or computer, the student’s answers exactly as they are dictated by the student;
✧✦ may read back what has been recorded at the student’s request;
✧✦ may enter student responses to multiple-choice questions on the
Student Answer Sheet;
✧✦ must adhere to the EQAO policy on the duty to report child abuse,
as prescribed in the EQAO Guide for Accommodations, Special
Provisions, Deferrals, and Exemptions.
✦✦ Prompters are allowed for students with severe attention difficulties. Since
the sole purpose of the prompts is to draw the attention of a student who has been distracted back to the test, prompts are considered process-related aids that do not affect the integrity or validity of the student’s performance on the test. Additional details will be provided by the EQAO.
For complete instructions, please refer to the EQAO Guide for Accommodations, Special Provisions, Deferrals, and Exemptions.
Special Provisions for English Language Learners Pertaining to the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
Special provisions are adjustments to the setting and/or timing for writing the test for English language learners (for the definition of English language learners, see Part One, section 3.1, of this document). They do not affect the validity or reli- ability of the test.
96 OntariO SchOOlS, Kindergarten tO grade 12

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