Page 95 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
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that are also necessary for and consistent with regular classroom practices and that are provided for all assessments. (The student may be, but does not have to be, formally identified as an exceptional student by an IPRC in order to have an IEP.)
It is important that certain basic procedures be followed in planning and making accommodations so that these may be of maximum benefit to the student. Decisions about accommodations must:
✦✦ always be made on an individual student basis;
✦✦ be made by the principal in consultation with the student, parents (if the
student is under the age of eighteen), and appropriate staff (including special
education and professional support services staff, where appropriate);
✦✦ be made prior to the taking of the OSSLT or enrolling in the OSSLC;
✦✦ take into consideration all accommodations included in the student’s IEP
that are also permitted in accordance with this appendix and with the EQAO document entitled Guide for Accommodations, Special Provisions, Deferrals, and Exemptions (see the subsection “Permitted Accommodations”, below) and be consistent with regular classroom practice, including assessments;
✦✦ be clearly communicated in writing to the parents, or directly to the adult student,14 in advance of the writing of the test or enrolment in the course;
✦✦ be recorded, with all pertinent details, on the Student Data Collection System provided by the EQAO for students writing the OSSLT.
The accommodations that may be necessary in order to give students with special education needs the best possible opportunity to successfully complete the OSSLT or the OSSLC may take several forms. In each case, the accommodation used must normally be specified in the student’s IEP. Details about the accommodations that may be provided for the OSSLT and the process for seeking accommodations are outlined in the EQAO Guide for Accommodations, Special Provisions, Deferrals, and Exemptions.
Accommodations that are permitted by the EQAO for the OSSLT include the following:
✦✦ adjustments to the environment in which the test is administered;
✦✦ adjustments in the time allowed for the test;
✦✦ changes/adjustments to the format of the test (e.g., alternative forms of print);
✦✦ changes/adjustments to the format of responses.
14. An adult student is a student who is eighteen years of age or older.
 Part two: Secondary Schools 93

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