Page 9 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
P. 9

O ntario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements, 2011 (OS) sets out the requirements of the Ministry of Education that govern the policies and programs of all publicly
funded elementary and secondary English-language schools in Ontario.1 OS is intended for school2 and school board3 administrators, but will also be of interest within the broader educational community.
This document supersedes Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9–12: Program and Diploma Requirements, 1999 (OSS) and incorporates the policies and requirements outlined in the following policy/program memoranda:
✦✦ PPM No. 127, “The Secondary School Literacy Graduation Requirement”, August 7, 2009
✦✦ PPM No. 133, “Music Certificates Accepted for Credits”, January 5, 2004
✦✦ PPM No. 134, “Increase in the Number of Locally Developed Compulsory
Credit Courses”, March 8, 2010
✦✦ PPM No. 139, “Revisions to Ontario Secondary Schools to Support Student
Success and Learning to 18”, February 1, 2006
✦✦ PPM No. 146, “Revisions to Credit Requirements to Support Student Success
and Learning to 18”, March 8, 2010
Whereas OSS outlined policy direction only for secondary schools, OS has been developed to consolidate in one document the broad range of policies and pro- grams that affect the educational experience of students in Ontario schools from Kindergarten to Grade 12. It reflects the continuity of education policy govern- ing programs for all students, from entry to school to graduation. Part One of the document outlines the policy and program requirements that pertain to both elementary and secondary schools, and Part Two focuses on the policy and program requirements that apply only to secondary schools. Where appropriate, policies outlined in OSS have been adjusted to encompass both elementary and secondary schools, and all requirements have been updated and supplemented to reflect changes in legislation and new policy directions introduced since OSS was released in 1999.
1. An equivalent document is available in French for use by administrators in French-language school boards. That document outlines two additional policies that apply only to French-language school boards – the aménagement linguistique policy and the policy on admission to French- language schools.
2. The term school is used in this document to refer to elementary and secondary schools, Provincial Schools, and Demonstration Schools.
3. The terms school board and board are used in this document to refer to district school boards and to those school authorities that offer elementary and/or secondary school programs.
  Preface 7

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