Page 80 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
P. 80

Specialized Programs
Schools and school boards may develop specialized programs to address the needs of groups of students with a particular curriculum or career interest. Such programs assist students in making the transition to postsecondary destinations (apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, or the workplace).
Specialized programs are intended primarily for students in Grades 11 and 12, but may also be designed to meet the needs of students in Grades 9 and 10.
Specialized programs may be helpful for meeting the needs outlined in the Individual Education Plans and related transition plans of students identified as exceptional. Such programs may focus on the development of students’ special strengths, for example, and may also be effective in helping students achieve their educational and career goals. Modifications to the curriculum expectations, as well as requirements for the provision of specialized services and other accom- modations, may be built into a student’s program.
School boards must provide specialized programs for students intending to go directly into the workforce after secondary school in order to assist them with this transition.
9.1 School-Work Transition Programs
School-work transition programs give students the opportunity to complete high school graduation or certificate requirements; develop Essential Skills and work habits as described in the Ontario Skills Passport, as well as industry-specific skills; and obtain experience in the workplace. Employers must be involved in the devel- opment and delivery of school-work transition programs.
School boards must establish procedures for developing and implementing their school-work transition programs. These programs must be developed and imple- mented in accordance with the following requirements:
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