Page 69 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
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7.2.3 Course Prerequisites
Courses in Grades 10, 11, and 12 may have prerequisites for enrolment. All prerequisite courses are identified in ministry curriculum policy documents,
and no courses apart from these may be identified as prerequisites. Schools must provide parents and students with clear and accurate information about prereq- uisites. If a parent or an adult student (a student who is eighteen years of age or older) requests that a prerequisite be waived, the principal will determine whether or not the prerequisite should be waived. A principal may also initiate consider- ation of whether a prerequisite should be waived. The principal will make his or her decision in consultation with the parent or the adult student and appropri- ate school staff. In cases where the parent or the adult student disagrees with the decision of the principal, the parent or the adult student may ask the appropriate supervisory officer to review the matter.
The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: Course Descriptions and Prerequisites (2011)
7.2.4 Procedures for Students Who Wish to Change Course Types
Some students may change their educational goals as they proceed through secondary school. When they decide to embark on a new pathway, they may find that they have not completed all of the prerequisite courses they need. Schools must make provisions to allow students to make such changes of direction and must clearly describe these provisions in their school program/course calendar.
In most cases, a student may enrol in a different type of course in a given subject in Grade 10 than the type he or she completed in Grade 9, although doing so may require additional preparation, as recommended by the principal. In the case of mathematics, however, the sole prerequisite for the Grade 10 academic math- ematics course is the Grade 9 academic mathematics course, so a student who is planning to move from the Grade 9 applied mathematics course to the Grade 10 academic mathematics course must take either the designated transfer course or the Grade 9 academic mathematics course.
In Grades 10 to 12, a student may change to a different type of course in a given subject provided that the student has taken any course specified as a prerequisite for that course. If the student has not done so, he or she may take one of the specified prerequisite courses through summer school, night school, e-learning, the Independent Learning Centre, or independent study (see section 10).
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