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met the literacy graduation requirement and will not have to retake the test in the other language after transferring to the receiving board.
School boards are required to provide remedial assistance for students who do
not complete the test successfully. This remedial assistance should be designed
to help students improve their skills so that they are better prepared to retake the literacy test. For example, a board could offer a credit course on learning strategies (see the guidance and career education curriculum policy document) or one on literacy skills (see the English curriculum policy document) for these students.
For students who entered Grade 9 in the 1999–2000 school year, successful completion of the test was not required. However, for those students who took the field test of the OSSLT in 2000–2001, failed the test, and chose to retake the OSSLT in October 2001, successful completion of the provincial literacy gradua- tion requirement became a diploma requirement. The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC)
Policy requirements for taking the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC) are contained in the curriculum policy document The Ontario Curriculum: English – The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC), Grade 12. Students who pass the course are considered to have met the literacy graduation requirement.
The reading and writing competencies required by the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) form the instructional and assessment core of the course. The course differs from other courses in that it outlines specific requirements for evaluation in order to ensure alignment with the requirements of the OSSLT.
If a student has had two opportunities to take the OSSLT and has failed it at least once, the student is eligible to enrol in the OSSLC. Principals have the discretion to allow a student to enrol in the OSSLC before he or she has had a second oppor- tunity to take the OSSLT, if the principal determines that it is in the best educational interest of the student. Mature students may enrol directly in the OSSLC, as speci- fied above in section 6.1.3.
The credit earned for successfully completing the OSSLC may also be used to meet the Grade 11 or the Grade 12 compulsory credit requirement in English or to meet the Group 1 compulsory credit requirement for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. A student cannot be granted credit for the OSSLC through the challenge process from the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition policy (see section 7.2.5).
For students with special education needs, accommodations specified in the student’s IEP must be available to the student throughout the course. However, because achievement of the expectations in this course represents fulfilment of
58 OntariO SchOOlS, Kindergarten tO grade 12

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