Page 37 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
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may continue in SAL for multiple years, but renewal of the student’s program must be authorized by the committee annually.
Key features of SAL under Ontario Regulation 374/10 include the following:
✦✦ A Supervised Alternative Learning Plan (SALP) is required for each student.
✦✦ Timelines and procedures are specified for stages in the SAL process.
✦✦ A primary contact at the school or board is identified who will monitor
the student’s progress at least once per month.
✦✦ A transition plan is required to support the student’s transition to his/her
next steps after SAL.
A parent, a student sixteen years of age or over who has withdrawn from parental control, or a principal may make a request for SAL. While in SAL, students can participate in a variety of learning activities, which can include: taking courses and/or training; counselling; earning certifications; volunteer work; other work; and developing job-search skills and the various Essential Skills, work habits, and life skills that will help them lead productive adult lives. The principal is respon- sible for ensuring that venues off school property have been visited and found appropriate, or are already known and considered appropriate before the student starts the part of the program that occurs off school property. As much as possible, opportunities to earn credits should be included in the student’s program. Some students will eventually graduate or otherwise continue their education as adults.
Part-time study for up to a year is allowed for sixteen- and seventeen-year-old students for compassionate reasons, with the principal’s approval and without having to go through the SAL process.
O. Reg. 374/10, “Supervised Alternative Learning and Other Excusals from Attendance at School”
Supervised Alternative Learning: Policy and Implementation (2010)
Main page on ministry website:
3.3 Students with Special Education Needs
For the purposes of this document, the term students with special education needs includes all students who are receiving special education programs and services, whether or not they have been identified as exceptional.
    Part One: Elementary and Secondary Schools 35

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