Page 23 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
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    The Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten Program
(Draft Version, 2010–11) kindergarten_english_june3.pdf
The Kindergarten Program (Revised, 2006)
2.1.2 The Extended-Day/Before- and After-School Program
The extended-day/before- and after-school program is aligned with the core program and offered on the school site to provide children with a consistent experience throughout their day. The program is offered in schools where there is sufficient demand for it. It may be delivered either by the school board directly (“extended-day program”) or by a licensed child care provider under an agreement with the school board (“before- and after-school program”). In either case, the program includes the content outlined in the document Full-Day Early Learning– Kindergarten Program: The Extended-Day Program.
Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten Program:
The Extended-Day Program (Draft Version, 2010–11)
2.2 The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1 to 12
The Ontario curriculum outlines the knowledge and skills that students are expected to develop and demonstrate in their class work, on tests, and in various other activities through which achievement is assessed and evaluated (see section 2.3). All elementary curriculum expectations from each relevant curriculum policy document for a grade, and all secondary curriculum expectations for a course, must be accounted for when planning the classroom program. (Changes to the curriculum expectations may be made for English language learners and students with special education needs; see section 3.1.2, “Modified Curriculum Expecta- tions”, and section 3.3.1, “Accommodations, Modifications, and Alternative Expectations”.)
In English-language elementary schools, learning programs must include the fol- lowing disciplines: the arts; French as a second language (core French; boards may also offer extended or immersion French); health and physical education; language; mathematics; science and technology; and social studies (in Grades 1 to 6) or
      Part One: Elementary and Secondary Schools 21

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