Page 17 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
P. 17

Boards must follow the direction provided in the document Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol with respect to notifying police of school- related incidents (see section 1.2.3).
Boards are also required to collect and analyse data on the nature of violent incidents to support the development of board policies and to inform board and school improvement plans.
PPM No. 120, “Reporting Violent Incidents to the Ministry of Education” (May 16, 2011)
Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol (2011)
1.3 Environmental Education
Environmental education is education about the environment, for the environment, and in the environment that promotes an understanding of, rich and active experience in, and an appreciation for the dynamic interactions of:
✦✦ the Earth’s physical and biological systems;
✦✦ the dependency of our social and economic systems on these natural systems;
✦✦ the scientific and human dimensions of environmental issues;
✦✦ the positive and negative consequences, both intended and unintended,
of the interactions between human-created and natural systems. Ontario Ministry of Education, Shaping Our Schools, Shaping Our Future:
Report of the Working Group on Environmental Education (June 2007), p. 6
The document Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow: A Policy Framework for Environmental Education in Ontario Schools offers school boards and schools
an approach to environmental education that recognizes the needs of all Ontario students and promotes environmental responsibility in the operations of all levels of the education system. School boards, in collaboration with their community partners, are expected to revise or develop an environmental education policy that reflects their local circumstances. This policy facilitates the implementation of programs and curriculum initiatives to deepen and broaden student learning about the environment, and will help to guide school boards in their efforts to put environmentally responsible practices in place.
   Part One: elementary and Secondary Schools 15

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