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Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics was adopted by the membership at the Annual General Meeting, November 12, 1976, and revised November 5, 1992. It was reviewed, revised, and approved for publication by the Executive and Board of Directors of the Ontario School Counsellors’ Association, May, 2002.
The Ontario School Counsellors’ Association is a professional organization whose membership is largely made up of school counsellors in both elementary and secondary panels, from Public, Catholic, Private school boards, and Education Authorities who are active participants in Guidance programs and curriculum across Ontario, in the training of guidance personnel, or in duties related to the delivery and supervision of Guidance and Career Education Programs.
It is recommended in the OSCA Handbook that members are required to have an acceptable level of professional training.
One obligation of membership is that members support the Mission Statement and Statement of Principles of the Association as articulated in the OSCA Handbook.
Mission Statement
OSCA provides leadership and support in Guidance and Career Education for Guidance Teacher-Counsellors and students.
Statement of Principles
OSCA will:
• Be a proactive professional organization
• Advocate for guidance and career education
• Represent its members
• Promote exemplary guidance and career education practices • Build strong relationships
• Provide professional resources and training
• Provide leadership in guidance issues and trends
To this end, it is incumbent upon each member to maintain professional standards and to seek opportunities for continued professional growth. Besides providing leadership, and encouraging members to participate, OSCA will continue to provide a wide variety of opportunities for counsellors to participate in ongoing professional growth.
Adherence to the OSCA Code of Ethics is recommended to OSCA members. All counsellors must adhere to the ethical and legal requirements of those acts and regulations from the Ontario College of Teachers and the Ministry of Education which govern teachers and counsellors. Some of these are referenced throughout these Guidelines but especially in the Appendices at the conclusion of the publication.
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