Page 38 - OSCA Ethical Guidelines - 2009.pdf
P. 38

 Appendix E
Professional Misconduct Related to Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct, Ontario Code
  Ontario College of Teachers
Professional Misconduct Related to Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct
Approved by Council September 27, 2002
The Council of the Ontario College of Teachers has approved this Professional Advisory. The intent of this advisory is to help members of the College identify the legal, ethical and professional parameters that govern their behaviour and to prevent sexual abuse of students and sexual misconduct. This advisory is not to be construed as providing an exhaustive list of unacceptable behaviours, but rather is intended to provide examples and guidance.
The authority of the College to investigate complaints against members of the College and to deal with issues of professional
misconduct is stated in the Ontario College of Teachers Act. The Investigation Committee and the Discipline Committee of the College may consider this advisory when reviewing allegations of professional misconduct. The Discipline Committee will determine, in each case, whether particular behaviour amounts to professional misconduct.
The term “sexual abuse” is defined by the Student Protection Act. That definition is set out below. The term “sexual misconduct” is used in this advisory to refer to any behaviour of a sexual nature which may constitute professional misconduct.
Members of the College should consult their employer’s policies to ensure that they are familiar with all expectations and obligations that may exist in their particular workplaces and communities related to the contents of this professional advisory.
This advisory applies to all members of the Ontario College of Teachers, including but not limited to teachers, consultants, vice-principals, principals, supervisory officers, directors of education and those working in non-school board positions.
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