Page 3 - OSCA Ethical Guidelines - 2009.pdf
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  This Handbook is...
Table of Contents
Development, Aims, Use, Proviso, Acknowledgments..........................4
Code of Ethics
Preamble ............................................................................................. 6
Mission Statement, Statement of Principles ........................................6
Ethical Principles, Illustrative Cases, and Legal Comments
Section A: Professional Competence and Conduct...........................7 Section B: Counsellor-Counsellee Relationship............................... 12 Section C: Measurement and Evaluation ........................................ 19
Confidentiality .................................................................................. 22 Cyber-Bullying .................................................................................. 23 Cyber-Ethics......................................................................................25 Ethical Guidelines for Leadership and Peer Support Programs ......... 26
Counsellors and the Law
I Guidelines Regarding Counsellor-Police Relations ......................... 28 II Guidelines for Court Appearances................................................. 28 Requests to Testify ........................................................................ 28 Preparation for Court .................................................................... 28 Court Proceedings ........................................................................ 28 III Youth Criminal Justice Act............................................................. 29 Legally Spea king ........................................................................... 29 Pre-arrest Questioning ..................................................................29 Assessment and Pre-disposition Reports........................................29 IV Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act................... 29
V Municipal Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act ..............................................................30
VI Glossary of Legal Terms ................................................................ 30 Maintenance of Records ................................................................... 31 Support Workers in the Guidance Office ......................................... 32 References/Resources
Hard Copy, Web-based ..................................................................... 32
Appendix A: The Child and Family Services Amendment Act ............. 33 Appendix B: Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession..................34 Appendix C: Age-based Legal Milestones........................................... 35 Appendix D: Professional Misconduct,
Ontario College of Teachers Act .................................................... 37 Appendix E: Professional Misconduct Related to Sexual Abuse
and Sexual Misconduct, Ontario Code .......................................... 38 Appendix F: The Student Protection Act, 2002: A Summary ............... 42
Index of Key Words ........................................................................... 42
    “This Handbook is a useful and valid resource for counsellors; it contains material that addresses nearly all of the pertinent legislation with which a counsellor may have to deal. It is impossible in any Handbook such as this to cover every factual scenario or legal situation. Therefore, it is important to remember that one has to be aware of the actual wording of the acts and regulations and that it may be wise in the more complex factual situations to seek specific legal advice.”
MAURICE A. GREEN Barrister & Solicitor
 Published by:
Naylor (Canada), Inc.
100 Sutherland Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2W 3C7
Tel.: (204) 947-0222
Fax: (204) 949-9092
Publisher: Robert Phillips
Project Manager: Kim Davies
Book Leader: Tracy Goltsman
Sales Manager: Cathie Filyk
Editor: Suzy A. Richardson
Sales Representatives:
Mark Hawkins, Meaghen Foden
Wayne Jury
Marketing & Research: Rebecca Wentworth Layout: Dan Proudley
Advertising Art: Aaron Harper
  OSCA Ethical Guidelines for Ontario School Counsellors 2010 • ■ 3

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