Page 38 - Native Languages 9-10 (1999)
P. 38

Decessive suffix (Iroquoian). A suffix that adds the meaning “deceased” or “former”. See also preterit (Algonquian).
Delayed imperative (Algonquian). A verb expressing commands or requests that are to be carried out at a later time.
Dependent noun (Algonquian). A noun stem that requires a possessive pre-noun.
Diacritical mark. A mark added to a symbol or character to alter its value; e.g., pronunciation, voicing, devoicing, etc.
Dialect. One of the various forms of a lan- guage.
Diminutive affix. An affix that indicates that the noun to which it is attached is small.
Exclusive. The first person plural form of the verb indicating that the person being spoken to is excluded from the action of the verb. See also inclusive.
Formal noun (Iroquoian). A word used to identify an object or person and that acts like a proper noun in English.
Functional noun (Iroquoian). A word that describes the use of an object by its function, appearance, texture, sound, or taste.
Gender. A grammatical classification of nouns and related words that display con- trasts such as masculine/feminine/neuter (Iroquoian) and animate/inanimate (Algonquian). The gender of a noun often affects other parts of speech with which the noun must be in agreement.
Gender - animate (Algonquian). A gram- matical classification of a noun that refers
to a living thing or to a non-living thing that is classified as living.
Gender - inanimate (Algonquian). A gram- matical classification of a noun that refers to things that are classified as non-living or to living things that are classified as non-living. See also animate (Iroquoian).
II verb (VII) (Algonquian). An intransitive verb of which the subject is inanimate.
Imperative verb. The form of the verb in which commands are given.
Inanimate (Iroquoian). A grammatical cate- gory for things or objects that are not living. See also gender - animate (Algonquian).
Inclusive. The first person plural form of the verb indicating that the person being spoken to is included in the action of the verb. See also exclusive.
Incorporation. A grammatical structure that joins two or more parts of speech in one word. See also independent (Iroquoian).
Independent (Iroquoian). A single word that carries its meaning independently. See also incorporation.
Independent order of the verb. A form of the verb that expresses a complete thought without modifying clauses. See also conjunct order of the verb.
Infix. An affix inserted into a noun, pronoun, or verb to modify the meaning.
Interactive. A prefix or an infix that refers to two or more parties involved in the action.
Interrogative verb. The form of a verb that asks a question.
Intonation. The rising and falling of the voice; the extension of the sound of a word in speech.
Intransitive verb. A verb that does not take an object.
Iroquoian languages. A group of Aboriginal languages of the eastern part of Canada and the United States. The languages spoken in Ontario include Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora.
Irregular verb. A verb that has no predictable pattern of conjugation. See also regular verb.
Joiner word (Iroquoian). An article, conjunction, or particle.
Kinship term. A word used to identify people who are related.

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