Page 35 - Native Languages 9-10 (1999)
P. 35

 Achievement Chart – Native Languages, Levels 1–3
Knowledge/ Understanding
– knowledge of the required linguistic elements (grammar, vocabulary, spelling, derivatives)
– understanding of materials read (e.g., passages, texts, resource materials)
– understanding of relationships between the Native culture and the language
– critical and creative thinking skills
– inquiry skills (e.g., formulating questions; planning; selecting strategies and resources; analysing and interpreting information; forming conclusions)
50–59% (Level 1)
The student:
– demonstrates limited knowledge of the required linguistic elements
– demonstrates limited understanding of materials read
– demonstrates limited understanding of rela- tionships between the Native culture and the language
The student:
– uses critical and creative thinking skills with limited effectiveness
– applies few of the skills involved in an inquiry process
60–69% (Level 2)
– demonstrates some knowledge of the required linguistic elements
– demonstrates some understanding of materials read
– demonstrates some understanding of rela- tionships between the Native culture and the language
– uses critical and creative thinking skills with moderate effectiveness
– applies some of the skills involved in an inquiry process
70–79% (Level 3)
– demonstrates consid- erable knowledge of the required linguistic elements
– demonstrates consid- erable understanding of materials read
– demonstrates consid- erable understanding of relationships between the Native culture
and the language
– uses critical and creative thinking
skills with considerable effectiveness
– applies most of the skills involved in an inquiry process
80–100% (Level 4)
– demonstrates thorough knowledge of the required linguistic elements
– demonstrates thorough and insightful under- standing of materials read
– demonstrates thorough and insightful under- standing of relation- ships between the Native culture and the language
– uses critical and creative thinking skills with a high degree of effectiveness
– applies all or almost all of the skills involved in an inquiry process

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