Page 25 - Native Languages 9-10 (1999)
P. 25

 Oral Communication
Overall Expectations
By the end of NL3, students will:
• demonstrate listening skills in a variety of situations;
• converse on familiar and new topics in structured and open-ended situations;
• communicate ideas and information for a variety of purposes using new vocabulary and known expressions;
• demonstrateanunderstandingoflanguagestructuresandvocabularyinavarietyofcontexts;
• use various forms of communication to express Native philosophy;
• demonstrate an understanding of the oral traditions of the language under study;
• use information technology to communicate in a
Native language.
use a growing range of vocabulary on a variety of topics;
describe in detail something they have observed or experienced;
participate in word games using the Native language;
represent and interpret a character in a class production of a skit with a Native theme;
use interviews with elders or relatives to construct a family or community history and present findings to class peers;
retell Native legends, stories, and community histories with accuracy.
Specific Expectations
Reasoning and Critical Thinking
By the end of NL3, students will:
– analyse information presented orally;
– summarize the essential parts of a narration or discussion;
– distinguish linguistic, structural, and conceptual contrasts (e.g., singular/plural, prefix/suffix, fact/opinion);
– demonstrate an understanding of Native philosophy;
– demonstrate an understanding of the his- tory of the Native language under study.
Use of Words and Language Structures
By the end of NL3, students will:
– use refined pronunciation and intonation;
– express ideas (e.g., thoughts, feelings, experiences) using a variety of expanded language structures;
– converse using simple, compound, and some complex sentences;
– use a wide range of greetings for many social occasions;
– follow instructions from a detailed oral description;
– give a precise oral description of a plan or instructions;
– speak confidently in various situations;
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Media Communication Skills
By the end of NL3, students will: – use information technology to:
– produce and record short skits depicting a Native event;
– prepare and present weather or news reports;
– make announcements in a Native language (e.g., on the school’s public address system, at Native events, on local radio broadcasts);
– communicate in a Native language with other students.

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