Page 19 - Native Languages 9-10 (1999)
P. 19

Overall Expectations
By the end of NL2, students will:
• read passages on familiar topics and infer the meaning of new words and language patterns in those passages;
• identify language patterns and vocabulary that have been learned through oral work; • read for pleasure or information;
• demonstrate comprehension of a variety of reading materials;
• use information technology to communicate in a
Native language.
follow detailed written instructions;
read four to six texts of different forms (e.g., short essays, stories, legends, journals, media works) containing basic and new vocabulary;
demonstrate an understanding of reading materials by participating in oral and written language activities (e.g., presenting dialogues and short narrations, asking and responding to questions, retelling the story in the student’s own words).
Specific Expectations
Reasoning and Critical Thinking
By the end of NL2, students will:
– demonstrate an understanding of ideas in a variety of written materials;
– extract information from a written passage;
– identify the main ideas and supporting details in familiar reading material;
– translate passages with the assistance of a dictionary or word list.
Use of Words and Language Structures
By the end of NL2, students will:
– read aloud familiar and new materials in a way that communicates meaning;
– demonstrate an understanding of basic vocabulary in basic texts;
– select, list, and define new vocabulary in texts;
– read independently using several strategies (e.g., context, language patterns, form, graphic symbols) to determine the meaning of new vocabulary;
– identify different grammatical forms in text;
– –
Media Communication Skills
By the end of NL2, students will:
– use information technology to:
– locate reading material in the Native language;
– find factual information and the meaning of new vocabulary;
– build a knowledge base on a Native topic;
– communicate in a Native language with other students.

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